Saturday, 03/10/2020
120th SCA General Assembly
Starts at 6.00pm: The 120th SCA General Assembly takes place at the Arlbergsaal in St. Anton am Arlberg. The General Assembly will be followed by a cheerful evening in friendly atmosphere and a great tombola.
1. Opening and Welcome Address held by the President & Determining the Presence of a Quorum
2. Commemoration of Deceased Members
3. Activity Report of the President
4. Activity Reports of the Local Representatives
5. Reports of the Main Treasurer and the Main Auditors & Request for Discharge
6. New Election
7. Presentation of Accolades
8. Eulogies
9. General Statements
All members (including honorary members, full and youth members, invited guests) have the right to attend. However, only honorary and full members are entitled to vote at the General Assembly. If the General Assembly does not have a quorum at the scheduled time, another General Assembly with the same agenda shall take place half an hour later, this time with quorum, regardless of the number of club members present.