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8th SCA Golf tournament

Almost 20 golf enthusiastic members swung on Saturday, September 7, 2019 the golf club in favor of the SCA youth promotion. Played was a stroke to Stableford 9 holes. At the following award ceremony on the Rudalpe, the winners of the day Antonia Walch and Rudi Hinterholzer were duly celebrated.

Result Brutto ladies:
Antonia Walch

Result Brutto men:
Rudi Hinterholzer

Result Netto 1:
1. Walch Erwin
2. Hinterholzer Rudi
3. Walch Markus

Result Netto 2
1. Schock Joachim
2. Gitterle Michael
3. Walter Brigitte

Nearest to the Pin ladies: Walch Antonia
Nearest to the Pin men: Margreiter Werner


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