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Invitation to the first virtual Ski Club Arlberg Stammtisch meeting

Due to the current situation with Covid-19, we are unable to say whether we will be able to hold our popular Stammtisch meetings in the villages of the Arlberg in the near future.

Thus, the Ski Club Arlberg Managing Committee has decided to hold the club’s first virtual Stammtisch meeting on Zoom. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, the 22nd of December 2020 at 6 pm. All members are sincerely invited to join us.

The following link will enable you join the Stammtisch meeting via Zoom from the comfort of your own home.

There will also be a competition at the meeting that you certainly should not miss.

We are really looking forward to seeing many participants at our first ever virtual Stammtisch meeting!


Further, we would like to invite you to send your Christmas greetings from around the world to the Ski Club Arlberg office ( You can be as creative as you like – the more out of the ordinary the better.

From all the submissions we receive, the 4 most original videos will be selected and presented at the first virtual Stammtisch meeting. The 4 members whose submissions are chosen will receive a little something from the SCA Shop.

Submissions must be received by the Ski Club office by 5pm on Thursday the 17th of December 2020. Please note that videos must not be longer than 30 seconds.

We are looking forward to your participation and to receiving many Christmas greetings from around the world!

Ski Heil,

The Managing Committee of the Ski Club Arlberg

You will find the first virtual Stammtisch meeting on


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