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Report of the 123rd General Assembly

Report of the 123rd General Assembly

The Ski-Club Arlberg family met on Saturday, 09 September 2023 for the 123rd General Assembly at the Hotel Enzian in Zürs.

In summery temperatures, the members present enjoyed an aperitif on the terrace of the Hotel Enzian before the official part of the meeting began.

Shortly after 6.00 p.m., President Josef Chodakowsky opened the 123rd General Assembly, he welcomed the approximately 100 members and guests of honour present and established that a quorum was present.

A central theme of the General Assembly was the promotion of skiing, of which Ski-Club Arlberg is very proud. In addition to Nina Ortlieb, who was runner-up in the downhill world championship in February 2023, the SCA can count Valentin Rainer, a freeride world champion since March 2023, and Silvano Wolf, a runner-up in ski mountaineering, among its athletes.

The coaches of the Ski-Club Arlberg are also thanked from all sides for their professional training. 200 children and young people are trained in the 5 Arlberg resorts, and last year more than 200 training sessions were held. In addition, from November onwards, around 150,000 training runs were completed on the Flexenarena by 700 athletes from 21 nations. For many a training child, the successful student exchange with the Vail Ski Club was a great and unforgettable experience.

The sporting highlights of the past year were the Women’s World Cup and the – according to the FIS – best-organised Junior World Championships to date.

Michael Ess, who took over the function of General Secretary of the Ski Club Arlberg at the beginning of September, was introduced. His task is to support the voluntary board in all matters.

The President was pleased to report that 589 new members had joined the club in the past year, bringing the number of members back above 9,000.

Under the agenda item “Honours”, members were presented with badges and certificates for many years of membership, special achievements and special sponsorship.

A big thank you goes to the partners of the Ski-Club Arlberg, who raised a total of 36,724 Euros through the sale of their products.

Walter Hlebayna – President of the Voralberg Ski Association, Dr. Karl Janovsky – President of the Tyrolean Ski Association, Reinhard Eberl – Regional Sports Director, Hubert Piegger – President of the ASVÖ Tyrol, delivered words of greeting.

After the official part, the evening moved on to the social part, musically accompanied by GEGI.

Of course, the traditional tombola was not to be missed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors for the great prizes. The net proceeds will go to the ski youth.

A special feature of the evening was the auction of a bottle of Melchior red wine – 18 litres – from the Anton Bauer winery. The bottle was provided by Mr. Wolfgang Fritz, who had bought it at the 122nd General Assembly for 2,000 Euros. Originally, the bottle was a main prize of last year’s raffle and was put up for auction by the winner Toni Mathies. This year the bottle was auctioned off by Matthäus Spiss for 3,400 euros.

Thus, the “Melchior” has supported the SCA youth promotion with Euro 5,400 within one year.

We thank the host family Elsensohn and especially the members present for the successful evening.

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