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A Look Back on the SCA Summer Olympics 2019

On Wednesday, 7 August 2019, the sixth edition of the SCA Summer Olympics took place at the arl.rock in St. Anton am Arlberg.

More than 40 children and youths took part in this event and had great fun doing so.

Once again, Georg Hamerle came up with eight spectacular stages, challenging the young competitors to prove their coordination skills, swiftness and agility. Those able to combine these skills the best, found themselves on top of the podium at the end of the day.

The event included three different age groups:

Age group 2012-2013

  1. Kaspar, Valentina
  2. Thompson, Jonas
  3. Klimmer, Paul

Age group 2010-2011

  1. Thiriot, Benjamin
  2. Klimmer, Maximilian
  3. Pearce, Finn

Age group 2006-2009

  1. Bartels, Casper
  2. Thiriot, Julian
  3. Zangerl, Martin

A party at the Skiing Buddha offered the perfect closure of this Olympic day. We would like to thank all the volunteers, Andi and Flori Gstrein, Harry Winder, Georg Hamerle, David and Annie Stressing as well as Heinrich Keim, who once again assisted us in the realisation of this special event. Furthermore, we would also like to express our gratitude towards the entire staff at arl.park!

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