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Two women’s European Cup ski races were held in St. Anton am Arlberg at the end of January 2020. The event started on the19th and 20th of January with two days of training, followed by two sprint downhill races on the 21st and 22nd of January. The races took place on Rendl (Gampberg). The numerous volunteers from the Ski Club Arlberg made sure that conditions were perfect on the challenging and demanding race track. On Tuesday the 21st of January 2020, the public was invited to the prize ceremony for the first downhill race, held in the plaza outside the Tourism Office. After the prize ceremony, the numbers were issued for the second downhill race. The band, ‘Die jungen Zillertaler’, entertained the fans and generated a great atmosphere.

Austrian double victory in the first sprint downhill race 

In the first sprint downhill race held in St. Anton am Arlberg in the context of the women’s FIS European Cup on Tuesday the 21st of January 2020, victory was secured by Nadine Fest ahead of Rosina Schneeberger (both from Austria). Third place went to Karen Smajda Clement from France.

Forty-eight competitors were at the start for this sprint downhill race on Rendl, which was blessed with sunshine and perfect conditions on the slope.

Another Austrian victory

The second sprint downhill on Wednesday the 22nd of Janaury 2020 was also won by the Austrian, Nadine Fest. Juliana Suter from Switzerland secured second place, some 99 hundredths of a second behind Nadine. Third place went to Cillar Rossi Valentina from Italy (+1.74).

Once again, the sun was shining and the conditions on the slope were ideal for the 40 compeititors in the second sprint downhill race on Rendl.


On the 9th and 10th of January 2021, the women’s Alpine Ski World Cup returns to St. Anton am Arlberg with a downhill race and a super combination race. The traditional Arlberg Kandahar races are once again on the program.

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